A few years back, one of my colleagues and I were discussing areas that we wanted to pour our experience and passions into . During the conversation, I realized that throughout all of my years in media production and marketing, political campaigns had alluded me.
Surprisingly enough,our first opportunity came right on the heels of this discovery. We joined the political arena in a mayoral race. The team was already in full stride by the time we came aboard. We hit the ground running placing media buys with existing TV and radio ads. Unfortunately, in spite of our efforts and our candidate’s hard work, we didn’t cross the finish line first.
Recently the opportunity presented itself again. Dr. James Beverly was running for his second term as State Representative. After meeting with Dr. Beverly, it was obvious that he possessed a genuine concern for the city’s growth and well being. He had worked hard over the last two years and had a vision for a new Macon. Being a part of making our city better felt right, so we joined him on the “campaign trail”.
Developing a marketing and media strategy for the Beverly political campaign resembled the procedure we normally follow, but there were some obvious challenges. This election was different in the sense that the primary was in May as opposed to July. Not only were we faced with encouraging people to vote, but we needed them to vote during a time when they were focused on graduations and end of the school year activities.
We met with Dr. Beverly and the campaign staff to determine how best to communicate his platform.
After analyzing his target audience we crafted two commercials that spoke to their needs and concerns as voters. Hands down we knew that we wanted to remain true to ourselves and run a “clean” campaign that communicated the facts, all the while maintaining integrity.
James Beverly for State Representative
James Beverly for State Representative from Hill Street Media on Vimeo.
Numerous media platforms were incorporated into the campaign including, social media, television, radio, transit advertising, direct mail along with others.
While we held down the fort on our end, Dr. Beverly and the campaign staff were knocking on doors…a lot of doors, rallying voters.
We were working to win and that’s exactly what happened! Dr. Beverly maintained his seat with approximately 60% of the vote.
Congratulations State Representative James Beverly, we’re confident that you will do us proud!
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